Sermon "In CHRIST" by Cristobal Rojas
Your great love well, leave me through you are the peace in my troubled sea world.
In the Silence You Won't Let Go questions your truth will leave me through. You are the peace in my troubled sea world.
Just show up.
Do you want to
You are the peace in my drawer.
in this time of desperation
All we know is bad.
Damn is only one found.
We Believe
We Believe
Stock you help us.
We Believe
you didn't God the Father. We believe in Jesus Christ.
How old is Steve and DJ room life We believe We Believe? Weebly Resurrection and he's coming back again. We believe
Play the song.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
in the dark and buried underneath
save our Crown Jewel, Austin
Did you hear that?
or any
address to La Canada
Morning about the simple.
Going to see all this why we all like to please stand up. So we going to the war prayer before we going to our praise and worship.
Lord we thank you this morning. You blessed us once more with life a new day. And you start I pray you Lord that this day bring a beautiful message that touches all of our hearts that expresses the love and kindness and worship that we should give you. That all we do be in your glory and not our own the name of Jesus will pray amen. I'm going to start with You Are Holy. Sorry wrong one wrong page start with As the deer.
The water so much.
You are my friend and you are my brother.
I love them so much.
You are the real Joy Giver.
My heart's desire.
You may be seated.
Now we're going to you are holding.
You are you are my word. I will I will I will I will I will I will be downtown I will be down.
you are, you are the one I will. I love you all of my days.
I will blow your mind.
And I will go to Here I Am to Worship.
Here I am to Yellow Ralph.
Bob James on
You can do the cube.
Here I Am to Worship here I am to bow down here I am to see you.
How much is it?
Here I Am to Worship Here I Am To Be Your all together all together were all together one
Here I Am to Worship here I am to bow down here I am to your mom you're all together loving all together with all together with me here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that
Brother, would you be there this morning, please?
Brother to bring the work this morning. What a beautiful job.
You know what you just this morning. Is the sermon it's the message. It says I will follow you. I will listen to you. I will love you. I will adore you. I will worship you all of my days. And then I will bow down before him Here. I Am to Worship. Wow. you're here because God brought you here
I wasn't yelling enough thank you you're nice you're nice thank you for being nice
COK I get it good morning about this Temple and Friends welcome this morning we have Mike and Cara visiting Baptist Temple welcome
in the book of Colossians call makes a transition from teaching spiritual truths and begins to teach the practical application.
for the Christian in chapter 1 and 2
and Paul begins in chapter 3 with the message because we were raised with Christ.
We have one question.
Who will I identify with the world? Who is Jesus Christ?
Our scriptures this morning will be in the book of Colossians chapter 3 verses 5 through 11.
and then we'll look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 chapter 5 verse 17
Colossians chapter 3 verse 5 reads therefore put to death your members which are on the earth fornication. uncleanness passion evil desire covetousness which is idolatry Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience in which you yourself once walked when you lived in them, but now you yourself are to put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy language out of your mouth.
Do not lie to one another since you have put off the old man. with his deeds put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him. Greek nor Jew circumcised or uncircumcised Barbarian synthion slave nor free, but Christ in all and in all please join me in prayer.
Father God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Jacob. Thank you Father for Jesus Christ. And thank you Father for your Holy Spirit. Heavenly father. I ask father that you use me father to bring your message this morning Father. I ask father that your word be spoken that you weren't be read that you warned me. Listen to an applied to Father speak to us father. We ask that your teachers and that your drawers to Jesus Christ is Lord. We ask in the name above all names Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. Amen.
points back in Christ
As a Christian I need to get serious about dealing with my sin.
Put to death the things that are against God and are part of this world.
Paul says put to death It's not a suggestion.
It's a command.
And is directed to the Christian.
Put the death of things in my life that are against God. This is an action.
Because of who we are in Christ.
we are to take action relying on the Holy Spirit
on a roll
UC Paul list certain sins
and it's wise and it's important for us to list the Sims Did I have done?
It's wise to address those specific sins to God.
Because sometimes we wonder, my prayer was only one minute or two minutes. I guarantee you lose this life.
And it goes on and on and on and on. forgiveness of those
I quote Nicholas Thomas write a 20th century century English New Testament scholar.
Far easier to drift into a sin which one does not know by name. Then consciously to choose one who's very paddle should be repugnant to a Christian.
God please forgive my sins.
fornication And he will desire.
uncleanness means a degenerate reprobate reprobate mind or of living passion means lust he will desire means weekend.
each of these or terms of the refers to sexual sins
please go to the Blue Letter Bible online. Look up the definition of the Bible the Bible usage of that definition of that word.
It feels worse is just too explicit into descriptive. To be read to you. Or much less a young audience.
They're that bad.
It's insatiable greed. It is idolatry.
Are part of the way the world lives. And not part of Jesus. Jesus said I am the way and the life and the truth and no one comes to the father except through him.
I'm a Christian. A personal response should be identify with Jesus Christ.
sexual sins and by the wrath of God
just look at Orange degenerate and reprobate Minds.
Look at our portion policies.
Something is definitely wrong when we legally allow the killing of one unborn child.
How about since Roe versus Wade 1973 the killing of 62502204 babies?
Let's look at the recent headlines. the National Review it reads biting signs executive order allowing the US to find global abortions.
In the Town Hall in Reed's with another executive order biting forces Americans to pay for abortions overseas.
Look at our LGBT policies.
Remind read in the blog post Biden signs executive order granting biological males access to female-only spaces.
Something is definitely wrong when we legally allow biological man to go into little girls restroom.
What do you think is going to happen?
This is like pouring gasoline into an open flame.
Once and it's enough to send me to hell.
Look at James chapter 2 verse 10 James says for whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point he is.
math Behavior simple and therefore self-destructive
danger of eternal hell
Hotel ZaZa to put all of these things wrath malice blasphemy filthy language
put off means to put aside to put away to cast off.
James the brother of Christ tells us to Bridle your tongue.
If anyone among you thinks he is religious it does not Bridle his tongue but this is his own heart this one's religion is useless.
And I quote Frederick f a 20th century British biblical scholar. Put off all those old habits just as you would discard and not once a close which no longer fit in a quote.
translation what really what we say?
Do not lie to one another.
And we quickly skip to the other verse.
All Eyes I looked it up.
The Little White Lie
a barefaced lie bald-faced a black blue red or Gray Line bluffing
a motivational I
a cover-up
defamation just information and exaggeration stretching the truth fake news. A-fib Herbert Ruth and Anna's line Noble lie a polite lie
Eli Manning just a trivial i d c speaking with a forked tongue
Do not lie include all eyes. including the Mexican Manana syndrome
my nana Lavo
Manana Del Pollo Manana translation a lazy life
nonverbal live
without words a silent lie possum
I caught William Barclay a 20th. Church of Scotland minister it is easy to distort. An alteration in the tone of voice or an eloquent look we'll do it. Silence is as false and misleading as any words of quote.
Sometimes I get the look for my wife. No, I know that she may be bluffing.
Man watching it for the look.
Since you have put off the old man with his deeds. the saints of God the Disciples of Christ the Christian the sons of God the believer in Christ or different people. and we are not of this world
I quote again
a type of passion or Avenger is felt it must be dealt with as the alien intruder it really is and turned out of the house as having no right to be there at all let alone to be giving orders and of course
The old man with his deeds is no longer the boss of me.
Because of who I am in Christ, I can put off the old man by the relying in the power of the Holy Spirit. Put off the old man.
Cuz we put off the old man. We must put on the new man.
New man is renewed in knowledge. The new man is hungry for the word of God.
according to
In Genesis, God created Adam and Adam in his own image.
Put off in discarded. No, we are created after the image of the second Adam Jesus Christ.
physical birth fits us for the Earth spiritual rebirth for heaven
where there is neither Greek nor Jew circumcised or uncircumcised Berberian Barbarian since the end slave nor free. The new man is a body of Believers Church, which favors no race nationality class culture or ethnicity. because Christ is all in all
Marvel's barriers are broken Paul says it does not matter if one is Greek Jews circumcised uncircumcised Barbarian synthion slave or free man today the world continues to favor and practice the barriers that separate people in our society
identity politics
identify with Christ instant remember
2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17
therefore if anyone is in Christ Can you creation all things have passed away behold all things have become new?
What a promise. Anyone who is in Christ?
Anyone, it doesn't matter Democrat. Republican independent, it doesn't matter what race what nationality what language what level of intelligence anyone can be a new creation in Jesus Christ
I like to use baby oil in my ear sometimes and it smells really nice but that doesn't do it and I know that cuz my wife tells me then do it
I'm not a new creature because of the baby oil I'm a new creation because of Jesus Christ
John In chapter 3 verse 7. Jesus said do not Marvel that I said to you. You must be born again.
You must be born again a new birth a new creation in Christ.
The world globalism wants you to reset.
God wants you to be born again in Christ.
This is not a promise for the world. does not for those who reject Jesus Christ It's not for those who are in themselves.
And it's not for those who are in the religion of men.
We are too far down and worship the god of Abraham. the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob
No other one.
New creation is an uber.
It is a spiritual Holy Family Birth results in are being made alive spiritually in Jesus Christ.
Man in his natural state is dead in trespasses and sin until he is a new. Made Alive born again
This only happens when we place our life or Christ.
Jesus those who come to him by faith and are in Christ.
Those who are saved. Christian we're not just forgiven. There are changed into a new creation. They are born again.
And I quote Charles Spurgeon.
I know no language. I believe there is none that can express a greater or more thorough and more radical renew than that, which is expressed in the term a new creation in
And your creation doesn't mean that we are perfect. It means that we are being perfect savior. Who makes us a new creation? This is something God Alone can do.
Our life of a new creation is not something God does for us but Ennis. a new creation is a gift from God received by faith
you see. The father teaches us and draws us to Jesus Christ
and then we give our lives over to Jesus Christ we follow him we believe in him we have faith in him we bought them to him we worship Him
And then we born again.
What a gift to give the born-again what a gift.
All things have become new.
I quote Adam Clark in early nineteenth-century, British Methodist.
this man is not only mended.
But he is new May. New Creation which God himself owns as his workmanship. He can look on and pronounce very good. and of course
John the writer of The Book of Revelation
to Bear witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ to all things that John saw
in Revelation John wrote
who sat on the throne said behold I make all things new he said to me right for these things are true and faithful And he said to me it is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end. I will give of the fountain off the Water of Life freely to him who thirst.
Kiku overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his God. And he shall be my son.
I invite you to become new. Christ plastic wire to please come up for our Invitational camp
from his throne. God spoke directly to John. God said behold, I make all things new. And he said to me ride for these words are true and faithful.
What is truth? Who is Jesus Christ?
Chelsea's rice the Invitational
We're going to go into I surrender all Hymnal 275.
Water of Life freely to hand my son.
Make me feel.
Who wants to be in Christ who wants to declare Jesus Christ as Jordans?
Jesus said whoever confesses me before men will also confess before my father who is in the God does not want anyone to perish but once every
tell me where the love and Power.
God bless you, please join me in prayer. God of Abraham God of Isaac out of Jacob Thank you for Jesus Christ and thank you for your voice. We thank you Father for your word. We thank you Father for this invitation father. We asked father that you continue to teach us and drawers to Jesus Christ.
We ask father that you Holy Spirit do his work in our lives. Is Lord we ask and we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
current address
Play so alive.
Bill Johnson
Away the kingdom.
Are yorkshire?
Christmas Day
Where was between us by Grace meaning?
Did you call me?